Orange Peel Method ( For changing & Transforming the indivduals in a place)
1. Perform between the hours of 11-1 am or pm   Make a list of what you want to bring in and change. While you are peeling the oranges keep this in mind.
2. Open all the windows (begin chanting the constantly changing Dharma wheel)   Om mani pad me hum   hum om mani pad me   me hum om mani pad   pad me hum om mani   ni padme hum om man   mani padme hum om ( repeat many times)
3. Take 9 oranges, cut 9 circles from each orange ( you will have 81 circle)
4. Take the 81 circles and cut into small pieces
5. Divide the pieces into 2 bowls
6. Beginning at the front door, using the first bowl of peels, go through the house and "Feed the hungry ghosts" ( toss the peels like you are feeding chickens( with your right    hand.
7. Beginning at the front door, use the second bowl of peels, go through the house and plant the seeds of change.
1. Go to the front door and do the calming heart mantra 9 times   Gate Gate, Para Gate, Parasum Gate, Bodhi Swaha
2. go to an open window and face towards the outside, breath in fresh air, deeply and visualize OM white, MA red, NI yellow, PAD green, ME blue, HUM black.
3. Turn and face into the house and breath out OM MANI PADME HUM
(do 6 times at each window)
4. Leave the peels down for 24 hours
5. Gather the peels and dispose of them in a sacred manner or place.