Smoke Offering (To the local Spirits, Gods, Nagas & Nyen) Especially good for new construction
Create an alter with flowers, candles, cookies and other things that may come to mind, put thought into it and make it pretty
Put 9 sticks of Incense in a bowl filled with uncooked rice or barley
* Light the Incense and repeat the following.
To the buddha, Dharma, Sanga, Lama, Meditational Deities and the Dakinis, as well as the Dharma protectors, Gods, Nagas, Nyen, Tsen, Myen and other similar deities and nature spirits.
To all the local gods, country gods and lords of this land and area, we offer this gift of incense nector, please remove the causes of earthquakes, fire, hail, wind, flooding, haunting's and death.
Please increase life, wealth and good fortune.
All of us who have purchased materials for this offering, wherever we travel, Wherever we remain, Especially this place where I am dwelling.The inherent dwellers here, Gods, Nagas, Nyen,Fathers, Mothers, ancestors, sons, daughters, nephews nieces and all future descendendts.
Wherever we have disturbed the earth where you are dwelling,whether by digging or construction.Wherever we have polluted the water, cut down the plants or destroyed roots through ignorance, whatever we have done or will do.We sincerely apologize and ask your pardon for any disturbances we have caused you."