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Applying Feng Shui to Help Your Son Move Out: Tips and Techniques

Aug 16, 2024

1 min read




A woman contacted me for a Feng Shui Consultation as she was facing challenges with her 24-year-old son who still resided at home. Her son and his girlfriend recently beca

me parents, prompting the mother to believe it was time for him to embrace his responsibilities. During the consultation, my main focus was on the son's bedroom. I noticed that he was sleeping in a position where his right side was against the wall in direct line with the door. I advised her to relocate his bed so that he could have a clear view of the door without being directly aligned with it, and to ensure there is sufficient space on both sides of the bed for easy movement.

Upon returning home that night, his room had been rearranged. A few days later, she phoned to inform him that he had chosen to relocate to the town where his wife and child resided.

While it may be acceptable for a young child to sleep close to the wall, as we mature and venture out into the world, we require a bigger bed and ample space on both sides to move around freely in the world.

Aug 16, 2024

1 min read





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