Geopathic Stress: The Hidden Threat Beneath Your Home
Imagine your home, a haven of peace, built with love and care. But beneath its foundation, unseen forces can disrupt its harmony.
Geopathic Stress: The Hidden Threat Beneath Your Home
The Power of Geomancy: Harnessing Earth's Energy
Uniting Spirits: My Journey Through Ancestral Traditions for House Cleansing.
Dowsing Techniques for Removing Negative Energy from Your Home
Creating a Sense of Home: Things that make a house a House a Home
5 Essential Steps for Spiritual House Cleansing: Clearing the Air and Creating Positive Energy
Applying Feng Shui to Help Your Son Move Out: Tips and Techniques
Cleansing Negative Energy with Feng Shui: A Guide for Post-Divorce Healing
Even beautiful homes can have bad energy and be in need of a feng shui house cleansing.