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Cost of House Cleansing Services
We perform a house clearing by investigating the home for negative energies such as electromagnetic disturbances, ghosts, and negative thought forms. The cleansing process involves correcting these energies through various techniques such as earth acupuncture and sound balancing. We also set intentions for a fresh start and perform a releasing ceremony to balance the home and fill it with new energy.
Home 2000sf or less
This is normally about a 3 hour session and includes 2-4 people from the team. $333.00
Business 500-2000sf
This is normally about a 3 hour session and includes 2-4 people from the team. $500 -2,000
House & Land Blessings
​When you inhabit a space, there are already energies present that affect you. $330 - $500
The space clearing ritual is a powerful, intimate dialog that is transformative both inside and out. So although you might see your house as a ‘thing’ or an object that is outside of your self, it is as much a part of you as your skin.
​This wonderful ceremony helps us to awaken to that reality and make changes that shift the energy within the space and within our selves, impacting our lives thereafter.
Feng Shui Consultation
$100.00 per hr 2hr minimum